Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tate/Jennings Simultaneous Catch

It has been a while since I have posted here. However, I think now is a good time to make an update.

Yesterday, in the Seahawks/Packers game, the replacement refs were the deciding factor in a game. It was going to happen eventually. The referees play a huge part, and it was just a matter of time before a call decided a game.

Most fans and experts are looking at the Tate/Jennings catch in the end zone and complaining that the refs got it wrong. I have done some analysis myself from all of the different angle, and I think it actually was called correctly. That's right. I may very well be the only person, who is not a Seahawks fan, that thinks Tate should get credit for the touchdown. Well, let me rephrase that a bit. Tate should get a touchdown, under the current league rules.

It all comes down to what the rulebook says about a simultaneous catch. Well, here's the rule:

"If a pass is caught simultaneously by two eligible opponents, and both players
retain it, the ball belongs to the passers. It is not a simultaneous catch if a player gains control first and an opponent subsequently gains joint control."

The problem lies in the definition of "control". If you watch the replay, both Tate and Jennings grab the ball at about the same time. Jennings has a better hold on it, but Tate has both hands on the ball as well. The players come to the ground. Jennings has the ball to his chest. However, Tate never released the ball, and eventually ends up with an arm around the ball and his other hand on it.

Now, Jennings has better control of the ball... But the rule itself does not say anything about having more or better control. Both players simply have to have "control". I would say Tate has both hands on the ball, therefore he has "control". Now, the NFL doesn't explicitly state the definition of control, but it can be inferred by looking at the definition of possession:

"Possession: When a player controls the ball throughout the act of clearly touching both feet, or any other part of his body other than his hand(s), to the ground inbounds."

When does a player have possession in any ordinary scenario? Does a player have possession when the ball is clutched to that players chest? Certainly. However, doesn't a player also have possession if they only have 2 hands on the ball? I would say so. Therefore, 2 hands on the ball must also be defined as "control".

If that is the case, the simultaneous catch rule is applied and the play is a touchdown.