Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tate/Jennings Simultaneous Catch

It has been a while since I have posted here. However, I think now is a good time to make an update.

Yesterday, in the Seahawks/Packers game, the replacement refs were the deciding factor in a game. It was going to happen eventually. The referees play a huge part, and it was just a matter of time before a call decided a game.

Most fans and experts are looking at the Tate/Jennings catch in the end zone and complaining that the refs got it wrong. I have done some analysis myself from all of the different angle, and I think it actually was called correctly. That's right. I may very well be the only person, who is not a Seahawks fan, that thinks Tate should get credit for the touchdown. Well, let me rephrase that a bit. Tate should get a touchdown, under the current league rules.

It all comes down to what the rulebook says about a simultaneous catch. Well, here's the rule:

"If a pass is caught simultaneously by two eligible opponents, and both players
retain it, the ball belongs to the passers. It is not a simultaneous catch if a player gains control first and an opponent subsequently gains joint control."

The problem lies in the definition of "control". If you watch the replay, both Tate and Jennings grab the ball at about the same time. Jennings has a better hold on it, but Tate has both hands on the ball as well. The players come to the ground. Jennings has the ball to his chest. However, Tate never released the ball, and eventually ends up with an arm around the ball and his other hand on it.

Now, Jennings has better control of the ball... But the rule itself does not say anything about having more or better control. Both players simply have to have "control". I would say Tate has both hands on the ball, therefore he has "control". Now, the NFL doesn't explicitly state the definition of control, but it can be inferred by looking at the definition of possession:

"Possession: When a player controls the ball throughout the act of clearly touching both feet, or any other part of his body other than his hand(s), to the ground inbounds."

When does a player have possession in any ordinary scenario? Does a player have possession when the ball is clutched to that players chest? Certainly. However, doesn't a player also have possession if they only have 2 hands on the ball? I would say so. Therefore, 2 hands on the ball must also be defined as "control".

If that is the case, the simultaneous catch rule is applied and the play is a touchdown.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

1st Round, 10th Overall: Stephon Gilmore, CB, S. Carolina

So with their 1st pick, the Buffalo Bills go for a defensive back in Cornerback Stephon Gilmore from South Carolina.

What's my opinion? Well, first let me say that this was not a surprise. When the Bills were on the clock, Gilmore was the most likely pick. I'm not thrilled, but I'm not disappointed. The secondary needed some help. I mentioned before that this was an issue. In my opinion, it was not necessary to address the issue this year. I think the front office looked at the secondary and saw: 2 Old Timers, 1 Injury Prone guy, and an unproven 2nd year with potential. I wouldn't necessarily disagree. That is a fair assessment of the secondary. However, those 2 old timers (McGee and Florence) still have a couple years in them. The coaches love Aaron Williams and want to see him get more playing time. So, I can see why the Bills went with Gilmore. He was the best available and there is good reason to look at CB as a place for improvement.

Gilmore should fit in well. He's not necessarily a ball hawk, but I'll take solid coverage and superior tackling skills to risky ball hawks any day. He only makes a break on the ball when it is the best option to do so. The ball hawking will develop with time. He'll also need some improvement when playing on the line. His skills are solid, but he tends to give a little too much cushion. This will get him burned in the NFL more often than not. I'm sure the coaches will address this in the preseason.

What would I have preferred at this pick? Well, I only saw 1 guy worth taking over Gilmore: Michael Floyd. He would have been a great compliment to Stevie Johnson. The Bills desperately need a 2nd starting WR. It seemed like a good fit. Instead, Floyd falls a few spots to the Cardinals. I'm sure he is thrilled to be playing opposite a guy who is one of the best WRs in the league, Larry Fitzgerald. Michael Floyd was the guy. Many would say Riley Reiff would have been a better choice. I wouldn't agree. His stock has been falling recently and I think it's with a good reason. Reiff can be a solid RT for someone, but he won't be a good LT. He simply lacks the speed and footwork to match up against the best pass rushers in the league.

The only other option outside of Floyd was to trade down. Buddy Nix has said in an interview that they had many options to move up and a couple teams interested in getting them to move down. Nix said he was unlikely to move up and waste a draft pick. I agree. The talent was not there to warrant moving up. It would have cost too much to get into the top 5 picks, which is where they would have had to go to get someone worth trading up for. However, I would have liked to see them move down. The talent does not drop off much over the next 10-15 picks. They could have moved down and picked up an extra pick or 2 later in the draft.

But that's all in the past now. I'm looking forward to seeing Gilmore in action. He should fit in well with that secondary.

For next round, don't be surprised to see the Bills go for a tackle if the talent is there. Certainly OT and WR are the best choices for the 2nd round. I plan on blogging my opinion on at least the first 3 rounds, so stay tuned for more analysis.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Horrible Calls: How To Deal With Them

Unfortunately, human error is part of every game that involves referees/umpires/judges. It is simply unavoidable. However, there are ways to deal with it. Athletes today are lucky. Back in the day, instant replay was not available. A call was made the instant a play happened and that was what stayed. Heck, in some plays, we still don't know whether or not the right call was made. I'm looking at you, Franco Harris. You're probably the only guy in the world that knows for sure if that catch was legal.

Players today don't seem to reflect on the past, though. Yesterday in the Rangers/Senators game, a horrendous call was made late in the game. With the Senators down 3-1 and the goalie pulled, the puck made its' way to the front of the goal and eventually over the line to narrow the lead to 3-2. However, Chris Neal made 2 infractions in front of the net which should have been seen and cancelled the goal. First, he pushed Lundqvist out of the way with his stick, which is goaltender interference. Second, he kicked the puck into the goal.

Here's a video of the whole situation:

Henrik Lundqvist was extremely upset and with good reason. Here's the problem, the refs were not in position to see everything that happened. Oh, but wait. We have instant replay! Certainly that will fix the problem. It didn't and I can see why. First, goaltender interference is a referee call on the ice. It is not reviewable. Second, the kick went over the puck. I truly believe the puck was kicked. (The puck picks up speed as Neal's skate goes over it.) However, because the skate did go over, technically there is not enough evidence to say he kicked it. It's ridiculous, yes... But there has to be indisputable evidence to change a call on the ice. You could argue that rules of physics prove Neal kicked it, but it is what it is. Maybe his skate caused a breeze that made the puck increase in momentum. Technically that's legal.

I'll admit I'm torn on this specific play. While I truly believe the goal should have been disallowed, I have another small interest. I am 2 degrees of separation to Chris Kreider. I'm friends with his cousins. (Not incredibly close friends... But then again, we played in the same Fantasy Football league last year. How much closer can guys get?) Not only did Chris score his first NHL goal yesterday for the Rangers, but he also was given the game winning goal due to the Neal kickerference goal. (On a side note, congratulations Chris.)

So what's my solution to the problem? No more referees. At least not on the ice. Well, let me revise that. There should be a couple referees on the ice, but not for making calls. They should be there simply for breaking up fights and whatnot. Referees should be monitoring video feeds that a computer analyzes to determine any rule infractions and goals. It could be done. If that seems like too much computer analysis for people to handle, then put 12 people in a booth. They each have their own video feed(s) that follow a specific player on the ice. Now you have people watching literally everything that happens at all times. You still might miss a few things due to bad camera angles or something... But most calls would be seen and made.

That won't happen, though. For some reason, while everyone complains about refs in every sport, no one wants drastic changes to fix the problem.

Look at baseball. Balls and strikes are the most argued call in sports. Solution? 2 cameras. 1 at batter level watching the height of a pitch. 1 above the plate making sure the ball goes over the plate. Simple. And with the slow pace of baseball, this would be easy to implement. While you could make video analysis software to make balls and strikes, that's not even necessary. You can just have an ump watching the video.

But what do I know? I'm just a crazy nerd that likes technology. Technology and making the right call in sports. Meh.

Monday, April 23, 2012

With the 10th Pick in the 2012 NFL, the Buffalo Bills select...

The NFL Draft is quickly approaching. On Thursday, each NFL team will make their 1st round selection. Each team is hoping that player ends up a Hall of Famer by the end of their career. The Buffalo Bills have the 10th pick this year. In my opinion, if you have a top 10 pick, your selection better be an immediate starter and a game changer. (Or at least have the potential to be that guy.)

But who should they pick? Well, let's look at where the Bills need help. I have mentioned in a different post which needs are the most important. If you want to narrow down which positions are weakest, you're left with the following: QB, WR, OT, LB, and DB. Some experts seem to think the Bills will consider another pass-rusher to put opposite Mario Williams. I don't think this is likely. The Bills are pretty deep at DE already. As it is, newly acquired Mark Anderson will be fighting with Chris Kelsay and Shawne Merriman for playing time. There will likely be a rotation system for the Defensive Line, but 4 quality ends are enough. Picking another one in the 1st round simply isn't the right move.

So which position do I recommend? Well, let me narrow it down...

QB? No. I don't think Fitzpatrick is the long-term answer... But he just got a huge contract extension. If the Bills had a chance to get Andrew Luck or RG3, I'd certainly want them to pick them... But they don't. So there is no chance Buffalo goes after a QB.
LB? Maybe, but I wouldn't. Melvin Ingram would be a decent selection... IF he falls to the 10th pick. I don't think he'll fall that far... But even if he does, LB is not a major concern for the Bills. Their starters are pretty solid. Depth is an issue, but that should be addressed in later rounds.
DB? Again no. I really don't see a defensive back worth taking here. And, unlike many other fans, I think the Bills will be fine at DB. They just need to stay healthy. George Wilson and Jairus Byrd have looked good. No need for improvement. At CB: McGee, Florence, McKelvin, and Aaron Williams. Looks good to me. McGee and Florence are getting old and will need replacements soon, but the Bills can go another year without reaching for one in the 1st round. Aaron Williams looked great last year when he was healthy and the Bills coaches love him. He'll see more playing time and maybe even a starting role by season's end.

That leaves 2 positions: Wide Receiver and Offensive Tackle. Both are the best options for this 10th pick. The Bills are in desperate need of a WR to start opposite Stevie Johnson... At OT, the Bills are lacking a Left Tackle, the hardest position to play on the offensive line. Demetrius Bell, the starting Left Tackle last year, left in free agency this year. Luckily, the Bills were able to resign Chris Hairston. He has looked good on the field, but he is unproven and a huge risk to Fitzpatrick's health. Here's the problem I see... With each of those positions, I see 1 guy worth taking. At WR, Justin Blackmon. At OT, Matt Kalil. However, most experts believe (and I agree) that both of those guys will be gone before Buffalo is up with the 10th pick. Most experts have the Bills taking Riley Reiff, offensive tackle from Iowa. I think that would be the best option... IF they pick.

In all honesty, though, if the Bills are up to pick and both Blackmon and Kalil are gone, I don't select Reiff. I don't think he has the speed to take on the DeMarcus Wares and Jared Allens of the league. I trade down. The extra picks will be useful and the Bills can find a player of equal skill to Kalil down in the 20s of the 1st round. The skill level isn't there in the positions that the Bills need. Take the extra picks, Buffalo. You'll be glad you did.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The NFL Draft won't be ruined on TV this year.

If you enjoy reading/hearing my thoughts on sports, especially the Bills/Sabres, you can thank my step-dad, Leo. To this day, it's pretty much the only thing I talk to him about. We could talk for hours on a single topic involving the Bills/Sabres. The most recent topic that went on for an hour or 2? Who will the Bills pick in the 1st round of the NFL Draft this year?

You see when I was younger, I used to watch the NFL Draft on TV. Every pick. Every Year. No joke. I would sit down in the living room with Leo with NFL Draft analysis from newspapers and magazines. With every pick, I would cross that player off on all of the mock drafts and ratings tables. Then when it came time for the Bills to pick, we would speculate on who they would select. Leo knew the players pretty well, and I had a list of remaining players with 40-yard times, heights, and weights. We would usually narrow the choices to 2 or 3 and most of the time, the pick the Bills would make would be one of those choices. I looked forward to the draft every year. I was obsessed (not unlike my current obsession with everything sports related). But then ESPN had a great idea. The NFL Draft wasn't getting enough viewers. Their solution? A few years ago, ESPN moved the draft to the evening, at least for the first round. Then they started moving other rounds. Friday nights were taken... Then Thursday nights. The schedule seems to keep changing year to year... But the draft used to always be over a Saturday and Sunday. First 3 rounds started Saturday morning. The final 4 rounds were on Sunday. When the schedule changed, I was already in college. My obsession had decreased to the point where I was only interested in watching during the 1st round and whenever the Bills were picking. So I wasn't too concerned with the time change.

But then ESPN went too far. Over the past few years, the 1st round of the draft has been ruined. I used to speculate on which player a team would choose, especially when the Bills were picking. However, this was no longer possible. Why? Because ESPN decided to ruin the suspense by showing a player sitting a table with their family whenever they got a phone call. Sure, you can try to ignore it... But why else would player at the NFL draft be on the phone in the middle of it with a huge smile on their face. A smile that only millions of guaranteed dollars could produce. Okay, I'm probably exaggerating a bit. But 3-4 minutes before the pick was announced, it was already obvious who was getting picked.

This year, though, I may be more inclined to watch. I recently read the best news I have ever heard (still exaggerating): Both ESPN and the NFL Network have decided to not show any players on the phone during the draft. So many people complained about the lack of suspense, that they've changed their policy.

It's about time. So this year I can finally go back to my 12 year old self. I can sit in front of the TV and speculate on every pick... and when the Bills pick, I can analyze the move in every way possible... like the good ol' days. I'm finally looking forward to the draft again. Only difference? I'll probably replace all of the NFL Draft magazines with beer.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Penguins/Flyers Series

As of this post, the Penguins and Flyers are in the midst of an epic playoff series. The Flyers are up 3 games to none, but part of me hopes the Penguins make an epic comeback. A full 7 games, to me, is the only way this series should end.

These 2 teams hate each other. It all started at the end of the regular season. These 2 teams had played each other during the last week of the season. The game itself didn't have a ton of meaning. Both teams were already in the playoffs. But that didn't stop those teams from fighting after the game was over.

To be honest, I am not a fan of either of these teams. If I had to make a list of 5 teams I dislike the most, they would both be on it (along with Ottawa, Boston, and Toronto). It seems fitting that they are now deep in a battle. A playoff series battle full of goals and fights. I watched the majority of game 3 from my couch and I couldn't turn away. Every 2 minutes there was another fight, another goal, or both. The games have ended 4-3, 8-5, and 8-4. Penalty minutes started off slow. The first 2 games were physical, but the emotions have increased with each game, culminating with a total of 158 PIM handed out in Game 3.

Want a list of penalties? Well, here it is:

1st Period
Deryk Engelland: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Zac Rinaldo: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Jakub Voracek: 2 Minutes for High-sticking
Matt Niskanen: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Matt Niskanen: 2 Minutes for Cross checking (Served by James Neal)
Claude Giroux: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Kris Letang: 2 Minutes for Cross checking
Kimmo Timonen: 10 Minute Game Misconduct
Kris Letang: 5 Minute Major for Fighting
Kris Letang: 10 Minute Game Misconduct
Steve Sullivan: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Jakub Voracek: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Kimmo Timonen: 5 Minute Major for Fighting
Claude Giroux: 5 Minute Major for Fighting
Kimmo Timonen: 2 Minutes for Slashing
Sidney Crosby: 5 Minute Major for Fighting
Brayden Schenn: 2 Minutes for Charging
Arron Asham: 10 Minute Match Penalty for Deliberate injury (Served by Steve Sullivan)

2nd Period
Jordan Staal: 2 Minutes for Hooking
Nicklas Grossmann: 2 Minutes for Kneeing
Chris Kunitz: 2 Minutes for Tripping
Chris Kunitz: 2 Minutes for Slashing

3rd Period
James Neal: 2 Minutes for Charging
Craig Adams: 10 Minute Game Misconduct
Craig Adams: 2 Minutes for Instigator
Chris Kunitz: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Scott Hartnell: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Craig Adams: 5 Minute Major for Fighting
Scott Hartnell: 5 Minute Major for Fighting
Jakub Voracek: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Wayne Simmonds: 2 Minutes for Roughing
Wayne Simmonds: 10 Minute Misconduct
Deryk Engelland: 10 Minute Misconduct
Sidney Crosby: 2 Minutes for Roughing
James Neal: 10 Minute Misconduct
Zac Rinaldo: 2 Minutes for Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Zac Rinaldo: 2 Minutes for Cross checking
Zac Rinaldo: 10 Minute Misconduct

As of right now, no suspensions have been given by Shanahan... But I expect that to change. Some of the in-game hits were way too brutal to avoid suspensions. The main issue is that these teams are rivals AND they are both full of goons. Physicality is how these teams win.

This series has been the most entertaining by far. Even if you aren't a hockey fan, you may want to tune in to Game 4 anyways. (Wednesday night at 7:30 on NBC) The physicality will be at a new high between the overflowing emotions of Game 3 and the possible elimination of the Penguins. And if the previous scores are any indication, the goal-scoring shouldn't decline much.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Quarterback Era

I truly believe that the NFL is in the middle of "The Quarterback Era". Never in the history of the NFL have quarterbacks been such a significant impact on offenses. Of course, quarterbacks have always played a major role. They touch the ball more than anyone else on the field. (Well, technically the center touches the ball every play... But I don't think anyone would argue that this is The Center Era.) However, if you have had a football team in the NFL in the last 20 years, you needed a top-quality QB to be competitive.

Let's take a look at the Super Bowl winning QBs of the past 20 years:
SB 27: Troy Aikman
SB 28: Troy Aikman
SB 29: Steve Young
SB 30: Troy Aikman
SB 31: Brett Favre
SB 32: John Elway
SB 33: John Elway
SB 34: Kurt Warner
SB 35: Trent Dilfer
SB 36: Tom Brady
SB 37: Brad Johnson
SB 38: Tom Brady
SB 39: Tom Brady
SB 40: Ben Roethlisberger
SB 41: Peyton Manning
SB 42: Eli Manning
SB 43: Ben Roethlisberger
SB 44: Drew Brees
SB 45: Aaron Rodgers
SB 46: Eli Manning

Looking at that list, it should be pretty obvious that the key to victory is having a great, possibly Hall-of-Fame quality quarterback. There are 3 exceptions there: Dilfer's win with the Ravens, Brad Johnson's win with the Buccaneers, and Roethlisberger's 1st SB win with the Steelers (he improved his play significantly before winning his 2nd). Each of those teams had amazing defenses. Those defenses were all so good, that I would have no problem placing all 3 of them on a list of the top 10 defenses of all time. They were that good. The only way they wouldn't have won would be if they had the equivalent of a high schooler playing QB... You know, someone like J.P. Losman, JaMarcus Russell, or Ryan Leaf.

Not only are we in The Quarterback Era... But we are at the peak of The Quarterback Era. I'll put it this way, name the best teams in the league right now. Who would you say? Packers? Giants? Saints? Patriots? Oh right, the teams with Hall of Fame Quarterbacks. Honestly, the only team you could argue to place in the top 5 without a great QB would be the 49ers... And that just brings us back to great defenses.

Oh, and let's not forget about the Colts. With Peyton Manning? 10-6 and AFC South Champions. The next year without Manning? 2-14 and possibly the worst team in the league.

How good are these QBs? Well, before last year only 2 QBs had thrown for 5,000 yards in a season: Dan Marino and Drew Brees. Last year alone? 3 QBs threw for over 5,000 yards. Matthew Stafford did it with 5,038. Some people might not believe that. That's because Stafford was completely under the radar. Why? Well because 2 other guys had more yards. One of them was Tom Brady, who threw for 5,235 yards. That blows away Dan Marino's record set in 1984 with 5,084! Wow! So Brady's the new leader for passing yards in a season? Nope. Not to be outdone, Drew Brees decided he'd throw for 5,476. Almost 400 yards more than Marino! Simply insane numbers.

There are a few reasons that QBs are throwing for ridiculous numbers. I think it's a combination of 3 reasons: 1) The NFL has put new rules in place protecting QBs and WRs attempting to make a catch. 2) These QBs are really that good. and 3) Not enough good defenses out there these days.

So, listen up NFL team owners (none of which will ever read this)... Do you want to have a winning franchise? Well you have 2 options... The most successful one is to find a great QB. Seriously. That's it. Don't worry about your defense. Sure, they might give up 35 points... But if you have a guy like Drew Brees, that won't be a problem. He'll just throw for 500 yards and 6 TDs. Don't bother with RBs or WRs neither. You can just pick them up off the street. The Patriots have been doing that for years. See: Deion Branch, Wes Welker, Kevin Faulk, etc. Yes, even Wes Welker. People might consider him to be a great WR now... But he was a nobody with the Dolphins. Your other option is to make your defense so good that no one can score... I suggest you find a good RB, too. Someone has to score points.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Future of the Buffalo Sabres

I think I mentioned at some point that I was going to write this post about 2 weeks ago. As you can see, I am not very good about keeping those promises. For the near future, I will not be making similar promises. Instead, I will simply update this blog whenever I feel like it. Don't like it? Well too bad.

At any rate, the topic of the day is the Buffalo Sabres. Now that their season is officially over, it's time to reflect on where they stand and where they are headed. The Sabres finished in 8th place in the Eastern Conference, 1 spot and 3 points out of the playoffs. (Part of me is glad they missed the playoffs. I'll explain why in a minute.) The Sabres made a good run at the playoffs, but came up a bit short. Their run from last place in February was impressive, but not good enough.

So it's pretty obvious that the Sabres need some improvement if they want to compete next year. Where can they improve?

Well, first let me mention where they don't need improvement: defense and goaltending. Ryan Miller improved greatly in the 2nd half of the season. This is a pattern for him. He seems to get better as the season goes on. Every year he looks like a top goaltender in the league by season's end. He could use some improvement on his 1st half play... But this is hardly a major issue on the team. The defense is young and generally looked pretty good. This is very encouraging. The only problem came from injuries. I truly believe the Sabres would have made the playoffs if it wasn't for the defensive injury problems that plagued them, especially at the end of the year. Ehrhoff, Myers, and Leopold all played well and should continue to be the anchor of that defense. Another encouraging sign was the good play of some of the guys that came up from Rochester during the injury plagued times. Most of them still need time to develop... But guys like T.J. Brennan looked like they might be future defensive staples to the roster.

But now we get to where the Sabres need improvement... And the first one is obvious. Offense. Simply put, the Buffalo Sabres do not have an elite goal-scorer on the team. This is a major issue. Jason Pominville had a good year. However, he is the only forward that I can say I was somewhat impressed with. Derek Roy looked terrible all year and it looks like his days in Buffalo are done. Thomas Vanek did not earn his paycheck, in my opinion. However, his contract has him stuck here for the next few years... So he's not going anywhere. The rest of the team simply looked mediocre. Lindy tried his hardest to find some chemistry on the offensive side... But there was little chemistry found.

So there's a major question that needs to be asked: Why have the Sabres struggled offensively? The Sabres have had a lack of goal scoring since 2006 when Briere and Drury led the team to the President's Cup. The easy answer is to blame the players. On paper, it looks like the team is full of underachievers. (See: Vanek, Stafford) However, while I think the players may be part of the problem, I think the main problem is coaching.

Lindy Ruff needs to be fired. He is a mediocre coach that produces mediocre teams. Since he became the head coach of the Sabres, he has only had 2 successful teams. The team in 2006 and back in 1999 when the Sabres made it to the Stanley Cup Finals. However, I would argue that Ruff had little to do with the success that those teams saw. The '99 team also lacked offense. They were just lucky enough to have Hasek as their goaltender. He single-handedly carried that team through the playoffs. And in 2006? Ryan Miller, Briere, Drury, and Vanek. I don't think Ruff is a bad coach. I just think he does not inspire his players. Put great players on his team? He'll do alright. Don't expect a Cup, but he'll make a run. But after all of these years, it's time to give someone else a chance. Bring in someone else that can inspire this team. If Ruff wants to stay with the organization and move into an office, that's fine. I have no problems with that... But if this team wants to be successful, they have to take Lindy off the bench.

EDIT: I forgot to mention why I wanted the Sabres to miss the playoffs. (Way to make your post follow through on promises made earlier, Joe.) Right, so... Because the Sabres missed the playoffs, they are now forced to seriously consider getting rid of Lindy. If they had squeezed into the playoffs, that would have been a good enough reason to give him another year. Unfortunately, the rumors swirling around would say that the Sabres do not want to fire Ruff... But at the very least, this should make the front office have a serious talk about the future of Ruff and the franchise. Changes need to be made. Maybe that will start now.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The future of the Buffalo Bills

As most Buffalo sports fans like myself know, the Bills made a big splash in the free agent market. They have signed Mario Williams to a huge contract. This is great news. However, I can't help but complain about the fans that think the Bills are now playoff bound. Don't get me wrong, the Bills are starting to finally make moves that will produce wins. But 1 man will not completely change this team. Every Bills fan is now angry just reading that.

The Bills have a knack for getting fans excited. Honestly, it's probably the only reason the team is still in Buffalo. Every year, the Bills do something that makes fans stay loyal. Part of that has to do with geography. But the other part is the 1 or 2 moves that the front office makes to give everyone a glimmer of hope. These changes in the past usually revolve around a new quarterback or head coach. Remember when everyone thought Trent Edwards was going to be the savior of the team? That didn't last long. Heck, at one point, even J.P. Losman was considered an up-and-coming QB. To be fair, he did win a championship as a starting QB after he left Buffalo. Don't remember it? Well that's because he won a championship in the UFL with the Las Vegas Locomotives. Coaches have come and gone... Each one was considered to be the big move to get the Bills to the playoffs. Dick Jauron, Gregg Williams, Mike Mularkey. Those were the great coaches that would lead the team to victory. But they never did.

If it's not a QB or head coach, it's a big free agent signing. Terrell Owens was supposed to spark the Bills offense, which had been terrible in previous years. Did it get better? Well, slightly. But Owens didn't do much to help that.

And that brings us to Mario Williams. Admittedly, this is a different signing than TO. TO was an aging WR with character problems that no one wanted to deal with. Mario Williams is considered a stud defensive player who is still young enough to be in his prime. But he still won't lead this team to victory for a number of reasons. First, it's Mario himself. While I still feel like he'll give a great improvement to the pass rushing, who knows how good he is really going to be. He hasn't had a double-digit sack year since 2008... and the past 2 seasons he has had injury problems. The last injury-riddled pass rusher we got hasn't really done much (Shawne Merriman). That's a lot to doubt for a guy that was just given the biggest contract for a defensive player.

The second problem comes from the team itself. Yes, the pass rush was a major issue that needed to be addressed. But this team has been pretty terrible overall for a while. Other issues need to be seriously addressed before we start looking to the playoffs. Those problems include: no starting left tackle, the need for a WR to start opposite Stevie Johnson, and depth on the offensive line and the defensive backfield. You can also put TE and LB on there as secondary needs.

And beyond that, don't forget who's leading the team: Ryan Fitzpatrick. Personally, I'd give him another chance, too. I think he did enough last year to be granted that chance... But do we really think this guy can lead the Bills to the playoffs? I certainly hope so as a fan... But I wouldn't count on it.

On the plus side, this signing says a lot about the front office. Somehow, they managed to convince possible-zombie Ralph Wilson to cough up some money to get good players on the team. That's something I haven't seen Wilson do since well... ever. In the past, talented players on the roster came from 2 places... The draft (See: pretty much the entire roster during the Super Bowl years) or extremely lucky free agent pick-ups (See: Doug Flutie).

So no, I don't see the Bills making the playoffs this year. They will probably be in the hunt... But I'd expect an 8-8 finish. That's simply not good enough, but things are looking up. This is a good sign that the franchise is headed in the right direction. Can the Bills be in the playoffs in 2-3 years? Most definitely. And I can't wait. It has been WAY too long.

Scrap My Original Plan

So, originally I was going to make this a blog that I posted to on a regular basis. Seeing as I have already gone something like 9 months without posting, that idea is obviously completely out the window. That being said, I refuse to give up on this completely. I'm not sure what topics I am going to cover... Or how often I am going to post... But I have plenty to say when it comes to sports. Anyone who spends any time with me knows that. So stay tuned. There will be a post on the current status of the Bills following this post... And hopefully there will be more sports awesomeness to follow in the near future.