Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Future of the Buffalo Sabres

I think I mentioned at some point that I was going to write this post about 2 weeks ago. As you can see, I am not very good about keeping those promises. For the near future, I will not be making similar promises. Instead, I will simply update this blog whenever I feel like it. Don't like it? Well too bad.

At any rate, the topic of the day is the Buffalo Sabres. Now that their season is officially over, it's time to reflect on where they stand and where they are headed. The Sabres finished in 8th place in the Eastern Conference, 1 spot and 3 points out of the playoffs. (Part of me is glad they missed the playoffs. I'll explain why in a minute.) The Sabres made a good run at the playoffs, but came up a bit short. Their run from last place in February was impressive, but not good enough.

So it's pretty obvious that the Sabres need some improvement if they want to compete next year. Where can they improve?

Well, first let me mention where they don't need improvement: defense and goaltending. Ryan Miller improved greatly in the 2nd half of the season. This is a pattern for him. He seems to get better as the season goes on. Every year he looks like a top goaltender in the league by season's end. He could use some improvement on his 1st half play... But this is hardly a major issue on the team. The defense is young and generally looked pretty good. This is very encouraging. The only problem came from injuries. I truly believe the Sabres would have made the playoffs if it wasn't for the defensive injury problems that plagued them, especially at the end of the year. Ehrhoff, Myers, and Leopold all played well and should continue to be the anchor of that defense. Another encouraging sign was the good play of some of the guys that came up from Rochester during the injury plagued times. Most of them still need time to develop... But guys like T.J. Brennan looked like they might be future defensive staples to the roster.

But now we get to where the Sabres need improvement... And the first one is obvious. Offense. Simply put, the Buffalo Sabres do not have an elite goal-scorer on the team. This is a major issue. Jason Pominville had a good year. However, he is the only forward that I can say I was somewhat impressed with. Derek Roy looked terrible all year and it looks like his days in Buffalo are done. Thomas Vanek did not earn his paycheck, in my opinion. However, his contract has him stuck here for the next few years... So he's not going anywhere. The rest of the team simply looked mediocre. Lindy tried his hardest to find some chemistry on the offensive side... But there was little chemistry found.

So there's a major question that needs to be asked: Why have the Sabres struggled offensively? The Sabres have had a lack of goal scoring since 2006 when Briere and Drury led the team to the President's Cup. The easy answer is to blame the players. On paper, it looks like the team is full of underachievers. (See: Vanek, Stafford) However, while I think the players may be part of the problem, I think the main problem is coaching.

Lindy Ruff needs to be fired. He is a mediocre coach that produces mediocre teams. Since he became the head coach of the Sabres, he has only had 2 successful teams. The team in 2006 and back in 1999 when the Sabres made it to the Stanley Cup Finals. However, I would argue that Ruff had little to do with the success that those teams saw. The '99 team also lacked offense. They were just lucky enough to have Hasek as their goaltender. He single-handedly carried that team through the playoffs. And in 2006? Ryan Miller, Briere, Drury, and Vanek. I don't think Ruff is a bad coach. I just think he does not inspire his players. Put great players on his team? He'll do alright. Don't expect a Cup, but he'll make a run. But after all of these years, it's time to give someone else a chance. Bring in someone else that can inspire this team. If Ruff wants to stay with the organization and move into an office, that's fine. I have no problems with that... But if this team wants to be successful, they have to take Lindy off the bench.

EDIT: I forgot to mention why I wanted the Sabres to miss the playoffs. (Way to make your post follow through on promises made earlier, Joe.) Right, so... Because the Sabres missed the playoffs, they are now forced to seriously consider getting rid of Lindy. If they had squeezed into the playoffs, that would have been a good enough reason to give him another year. Unfortunately, the rumors swirling around would say that the Sabres do not want to fire Ruff... But at the very least, this should make the front office have a serious talk about the future of Ruff and the franchise. Changes need to be made. Maybe that will start now.

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