Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cheating. It's all fun and games until you get caught... And for many, it's still fun and games afterward.

Cheating in sports is pretty much mandatory these days. And why not cheat? Most fans either forget that a player or team cheated... Or they forgive them.

Look at the New England Patriots. They blatantly cheated. (How do I reeeeach these kiiiiiids...) I guarantee you that 15 years down the road, very few people will even remember that they did. They were not stripped of their Super Bowl titles. In fact, minor fines and a lost draft pick were the only punishment. But how much of a punishment is a fine anyways? Sure, technically the league fined them the highest amount they could. But in reality, that's nothing. The team makes millions and millions of dollars a year. That fine is chump change to them. And what about all of the new bandwagon fans that are now buying tickets, jerseys, hats, and other memorabilia. And as for the draft pick? Does it really hurt a team that is cheating? Any pro can do the job if you know what play has just been called. The Patriots just laughed, shrugged it all off, and continued as if nothing happened.

Then there are the individual cheaters. Now, there is a slight hitch to being a cheater as an individual. It is NOT okay to cheat by yourself....... unless you confess. Then it's cool. "Sorry. I took HGH. It was a mistake." That's okay, Jason Giambi, after a suspension, come back and everyone will welcome you with open arms. Applause all around! Look how brave he was to admit he cheated! Please, continue playing! Even though you are still huge from all of the time you took the banned substance! That's okay!

The major problem with this is that there is very little punishment. With this comes accusations. How many people are 100% sure Ken Griffey Jr didn't take steroids? I'm guessing not many. Or what about Albert Pujols? Most people would believe that neither of them ever took a banned substance, but how many are 100% sure? I know neither of them have been accused. But because the punishment is so small and so many people before them have taken these substances, you can't help but wonder.

In my opinion, the punishment should be MUCH stricter, especially in baseball. 1st time offense? 162 game suspension. If you are caught even once, you are no longer eligible for the Hall of Fame. 2nd time? Banned for life. Also, any team you were on that won the World Series with you on their roster forfeits that season. Large fines will also be given. Not only would the suspension be without pay, but they would have to pay the league an amount equal to half of their salary, which would be donated to a charity of their choice. These guys are getting off WAY too easy. Lay down the law, commissioners! It's your job! And it's the only way to make sports fair again!

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